Friday, 4 February 2011


Does continuing to search for something even though you don't know what it is and are pretty sure it doesn't even exist:

A. Mean that you are a dreaming fool, detached from reality and destined never to amount to anything?

B. Pass the time, distract from the mundanity and help you to cope with ennui?

C. Merely demonstrate that, in spite of everything, you have managed to preserve a core of innocence and optimism?


FreeFox said...

All of the above... and then some. ^_^

FreeFox said...
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FreeFox said...

BTW, thanks for the kind sentiment yesterday. Much appreciated.

And yes. They are. By far.

Though it took me a long time to understand that.

Ben said...

FF - Thanks. Sadly I don't have the Flash version necessary to take advantage of the link :-(
I'm wondering if the picture in yesterday's post was you. I don't suppose it matters.
So glad you've reached a place where you can focus on those good memories.

FreeFox said...
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FreeFox said...
